Monday, December 10, 2007


Alcohol is like family members you never get to see. It's great to catch up with them and have a good time but it always ends up in drama and mess later. Family fights and dramas in the case of old family members, hungoverdness (yes that is now a word) and the inability to function as a human being in the case of alcohol.

Saturday night was obviously a huge night. Obviously in the sense that while it was truly enjoyable and I had a good time my body has been telling me for the last 24 hours or so (since I woke up yesterday) that it was bigger than I thought. I'm going to take it's word for it.

Yesterday saw me sleep, get up to eat some Bacon & Egg subway (thanks baby), sleep some more then get up and collapse on the couch for the remainder of the day. While I've been hung over before this was a weird new style I can't remember experiencing. Even now, as I sit here, I feel like I can't think straight and just need to rest my head. Obviously maybe not so much hung over as very drained and tired now but the after effects go on.

My usual chat buddy isn't in the office today (damn you Jamie!) so I feel like I'm alone in this office despite being surrounded by people and my fellow team members. Just going to concentrate on getting through the day for now, hope everyone else's weekend was a good one.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

There is one factor that you haven't considered in the hangoverdness. Getting older...

One day you wake up to a hangover disproportionate to you night out and you realize… It never used to be this bad…

And on that cheery note I hope the rest of your day goes quickly


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