Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Great Babysitting Experiment

So Sunday saw Bee and I embark on a great adventure. The quest? To babysit my 18 month old munchkin nephew for an entire day from the time he woke up until about 2000 that night.

Now we've never looked after him for more than a handful of minutes without someone else in the room, let alone completely by ourselves prior to this so we were unsure as to how it would go. I didn't think about it too much, had way too much other stuff going on, in the week leading up to Sunday but I must admit Saturday got me feeling a tad nervous about the situation.

My big worry was that he would crack the shits and we'd be unable to control him. Or worse, that he'd start asking for his Mumma or Dadda and we'd be unable to produce them and that would lead to massive drama. Even his Nan & Pa (my Mum and Dad) were out of town which left us without much of a fallback.

I'm happy to report that the day was a blinding success. There was only a few minor hiccups including; a head bump against a door frame, him not really wanting to take his mid morning nap (solved by us driving back to our place an hour or so earlier as we knew he'd fall asleep in the car) and a bit of attachment issues. There were points during the afternoon if I took a couple of steps away from him he started to whimper and complain. Hey, I can't help it, I am THAT important to ppl... and you readers out there have always scoffed at this suggestion of mine :p

Anyway it was a fun day albeit slightly tiring. Which wasn't helped by not being able to sleep much due to my itching dramas. I really gotta go to a Doctor about it... but that's another story. So happily the day went well and we had a happy and very well behaved boy most of the day. We rock! :) I think I love the little guy more than before, if that's possible, and like to think it helped to cement our status as importantish people in his life.


At 2:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You can guarantee it's made you more important to the Munchkin's parents, that's for sure :)

And please, no blogging about the itching? There are some things man is not meant to know.


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