Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hi everybody!!

Got an email from my mate Brett the other day where he asked me a question about Eldest, which I must admit surprised me because I'd never spoken to him in person about it. This led me to believe he had read my blog entry here and when asked he admitted he was a regular reader of this here blog.

This got me thinking about the fact that I have no idea who is out there reading this. Don't get me wrong I know of a handful of people who tune but Brett wouldn't have been on that list if you had asked me a few days ago. This isn't because I didn't think he would care or was a "bad friend" (inside joke) it's just... well... because I didn't think he would I guess.

Now to me it doesn't particularly matter if there are hundreds of people out there reading because I'm not in this for the hit count, I'm in it for the self expression, but it is nice to know there are some people out there reading. So if you're out there and reading this I'd be interested to know. My blog allows anonymous comments so you don't need a blogger or google account to let me know you're out there so go ahead, post a comment and say hi. If you're the shy lurker type then that's fine too. Regardless thanks for reading and catch you later!


At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mick, why don't you add a statcounter to your site. Doesn't keep logs forever, but at least gives you an overview of who is looking. The site is and of course the basic package is free. Just a little bit of code can give you heaps and heaps of information!

At 6:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Mick,

I use net-counter to keep track of the stats on my blog (and btw I read your blog too)


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