Rude Mick!!
Ok I admit it, I've been very rude. Here I am talking on and on about baby blue and I am still yet to formally introduce the little guy to the world. Well, the time has come. With no further ado, here is my little baby blue for all to see:

I must admit I found it harder than I thought to get a nice photo of him because he's so shiny and the lighting over the kitchen table wasn't helping by shining right down directly on him. Sure I could've tried to take the photos elsewhere but that would have required more effort than I was feeling at the time... remember Mick is lazy... this is my best attempt at showing you how shiny he is and how vivid the screen looks:

And finally I didn't think it was fair for everyone to say hi to baby blue without allowing him the chance to return the favour:

So there he is ladies and gents, baby blue. I am still waiting on my official Dell invoice which should provide me with an easy opportunity to copy and paste his specs for everyone to see... for now be content to look at some very crappy, badly taken photos of him to tide you over.
Mum & Dad will be here soon for our weekly dinner so I'm off to finalise preparations...
Hi baby blue!
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