Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just another one of those days...

... ever had one of those days where no how hard you try you just can't physically bring yourself to be at work for a second longer? It was 16:30 when I finally snapped this afternoon. I'd been staring around the office for god knows how long, I'd checked and rechecked my email for something new to do, I'd checked, rechecked and triplechecked my to do list for anything interesting to do and then suddenly I'd had enough. I was soooo bored, it had been building for an hour and a half or so, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't concentrate and I had even started to get a headache from not doing anything productive. So I upped and left. Now I know I just lost all of you who aren't in a job where that is possible from my "I feel your pain" empathy group but I did it so learn to deal :)

I stepped outside and into pretty much what I had expected... (the BoM website gets hammered at the hint of rain by everyone in my building)... heavy, grey clouds and moderately heavy rain. Which cheered me up. I like being out in the rain and walking. For some reason it makes me happy. Now I'm not talking walking around drenched in the rain, although that can be fun too! I'm talking huddled under an umbrella walking while the sound of rain beats down on your umbrella, splashes of water are still getting you everywhere, cars driving past create cool sound effects and the wind is usually up making you just a little cold. I love it. I don't know why but being pent up in an office or sitting inside while that is going on is always frustrating, for some reason I just want to be outside in the rain.

Unfortunately by the time I'd gotten off the train the sun was breaking through, the rain has eased to what you could barely call "spitting" and my lovely, dreary, rainy afternoon had deteriorated into that cloudy yet sunny, warm yet cold, paradox that spells the end of my fun. Oh well maybe I can go outside and jump in some puddles to try and reclaim the moment! :p


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of those days? Oh you mean a day ending in 'y' :)

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would love it here in Germany. There is heaps of rain, and heaps of places to jump around in the rain!


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