Indy 2006 - Part 5
When we last saw our heroes they had participated in a formal Hold 'Em tournament followed by a more relaxed shirtless tournament where some fun was had. At this point it was quite late and only the brave dared continue on... the rest headed for pillow based heaven.
The brave four to continue on were Ben, Brad, Benny and myself. At this point we'd each consumed a reasonable amount of alcohol and things started to get silly. So much so that at one point Dunc's Mum Feona poked her head out of the room and asked us politely to supress our enthusiasm a little, which we tried very hard to do.
Basically the rest of the morning resulted in much more poker play, albeit with a large amount of stupid play used. Ben was far and away the worst culprit of all. His streak of luck, which those following our poker group know had stretched on for weeks, showed no sign of stopping. In some absolutely bullshit calls Ben managed to win hands where he was dominated or not even theoretically in the hunt. At one point we were all in hysterics as a result of his luck, it's better than crying about it!, with Ben on the floor on one side of the table and me on the floor on the other side.
Some documented proof of his luck lies in this hand. I forget the exact nature of the play at the time, hey it was a couple of weeks ago now and I was drunk at the time!!, but basically we both ended up all-in. I had pocket rockets, i.e. two Aces, and Ben had 3-7 suited. This is how it turned out:

As you can see after the flop I thought I had it sewn up with K-Q-5 not helping Ben and strengthening my lead. However his luck held up and he got a run on to complete his straight and beat me... unbelievable!!
At one point Ben took a toilet break and we rigged up a hand to get him back. Benny ensured that I would end up with pocket rockets in my hole cards and Ben would end up with pocket kings. That would have been funny enough but to top it off we ensured an Ace and a King would crop up on the flop allowing me to completely dominate Ben's trip Kings with my trip Aces!! You should have seen the carrying on Ben did when that result came out!! Worth all the wait!! Unfortunately it still left him with enough chips to not be eliminated and he went on to win the mini tournament!! Again... UNBELIEVABLE!! We let him stew on the result and I only told him last weekend that it was rigged as he was still whinging about his luck! Bahahaha!!
The night got sillier and sillier and the poker play got worse and worse but we had fun. We ended up going to bed at about 04:30 and woke merely a few hours later to have a big day of racing and other activities... but we didn't go to bed before some funny photos were taken and as promised I'll even up the ledger a little by embarassing others that participated in the foolishness...
First up we have Benny intent upon his poker play but obviously not very happy with the decision he is being forced to make...

... then Brad doing god knows what but I think we're all glad we don't know...

... and this wouldn't be complete without embarassing myself in the process now would it?

If you really wanted to embarrass yourself you'd put the photo from your phone up here. :)
And I'm pretty certain by the time that hand came around I was thinking I was invincible and called your all-in without looking at my cards. There may have been some pressure for me to call as well :)
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