Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Twice the success

Another day, another run. This time Dunc joined me and we returned to the original scene of the crime discussed here. In a much harder run today, I just couldn't seem to control my breathing or my technique like yesterday, I bettered my time from the previous post. Instead of 15 minutes 50 seconds with constant stopping and walking I managed a time of 14 minutes and 13 seconds! I also managed 5/6ths of the course without stopping, and even then it was only for a short walk to get my breath back and then back to the running.

So I improved my time by 1 minute and 37 seconds and instead of only being able to run less than 1/3rd of the course without stopping I made it to 5/6ths. Sure it's still a slow time and I'm not happy with it but it's a big improvement and I'm stoked.

After the run yesterday as well my leg muscles do feel tight and slightly sore and I'm feeling it wayyyyy more than yesterday... and I think tomorrow is going to kill me :)


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