Thursday, January 17, 2008

Damn Optus.

So a while ago I get this bill from Optus for my home phone account which was massive. It had like $90 worth of line rental on it. Belinda went ape and got on the phone. Turns out there had been some change to our plan/account/whatever and we were now paying $50ish line rental a month. And the $90 was because of the previous month's plus the new charges... or something... it was basically going to work itself out from what I remember.

Anyway I've finally had a gutful of that ridiculous line rental fee. So I had a look into their home phone plan options and there is a $49 capped plan with no line rental and a bunch of credit in it. Sounds awesome. So I ring them up in order to change it... this is basically how the conversation goes...

Me: Hi, I'd like to change my home phone plan please.
Optus dude: Sure, can I have your number... (etc etc)
Me: (I give him my details)
Optus: Ok I'm looking at your account now.
Me: I was looking at the $49 Anytime Cap plan for my phone, can you please change me to that?
Optus: No I can't. You're not on the Optus Direct network.
Me: What does that mean? Is that like my phone line is physically not plugged into the right network for that plan?
Optus: Yes.
Me: Okay, so how can I go about changing to that network?
Optus: You can't, Optus are in control of that.
Me: So Optus have to change me over?
Optus: Yes
Me: Can I request that they change me over?
Optus: No
Me: So there is absolutely nothing I can do to get changed over?
Optus: Not until Optus do something to start that process
Me: (biting my tongue from asking why the hell Optus would ever initiate a plan of action that saw me paying them less money when they could continue to screw me) Ok on the network I am on is there any cheaper cap plans I can change to?
Optus: You are on the cheapest plan for the amount of calls you are making.
Me: Ok thanks, goodbye
Optus: Is there anything else I can help you with today sir?
Me: (again with the tongue biting to stop myself from angrily saying "but you haven't helped me at all!") No thank you, goodbye.

So basically unless Optus themselves organise for me to get changed over I can't get a cheaper plan for my home phone. Raise your hand if you think they have a vested interest in ensuring I pay less and therefore will start it off?


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