Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Easing back into it.

Work so far has been a case of easing myself back into some semblance of productivity and motivation. Still can't quite believe how much it feels like I never had any time off, like nothing has changed. God damn this place for that!

I'm nipping off little bits and pieces here and there but am yet to try and take a serious chunk out of anything. Got a bunch of frivolous yet somehow terribly important service requests to get through. One of them is completely ridiculous, I advise not getting me started on that one.

So basically same old, same old. Trying to mentally adjust to having to be here as my mind is telling my body that it should be relaxing on a couch somewhere watching the cricket. Which reminds me I am yet to try and find someway of getting a score update through our stupid filtering... I'll find it somewhere...

Thankfully... and I can't believe I am saying this... pre-season training is on. What I found about footy training last year was it dramatically helped break up my week. With it being on Tuesday and Thursday nights I'd just convince myself I needed to survive until Tuesday afternoon and then again until Thursday afternoon. Helped nip the 5 day hanging out down to sizeable chunks. Of course then you'd do the training and rock up to work the next day, just like today, and feel drained. Which of course makes it harder to convince yourself you only have to survive two more days before you have to do it all again!

Thanks for the comments guys. Ben I too think an exciting, but most importantly different, job would be a big change up and help with motivation and enjoyment factors at work. So I'm opening it up to the floor... hit me with your suggestions! :)

Coline I'm not sure it's strength or a lack of motivation to do anything about it that explains why I'm still here. You'd think that how I feel about this place would motivate me to get out there more actively and apply for other jobs but in reality every time an opportunity comes up I'm so run down and mentally fatigued I just can't be arsed.

In other job related news there is a "Senior Unix Admin" job available and soon to be advertised in my team here. More money for me and maybe a slight change of focus to a more managerial role as well as my techo stuff. I think it comes with the associated lack of overtime pay though when going up to that pay level, but looking at the figures the increase in $$$ should account for the $$$ I get from overtime. Plus whenever I do overtime I get TOIL (Time Off In Lieu) instead of $$$. So basically I'd get more time off plus the same $$$ from the pay increase. Now to try and convince myself I care enough about this place to try and write the selection criteria responses...


At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... ;)Actually, I dont know if this works for blocked sites. Meah...

Yeah, I get what you mean about not being arsed when jobs come up. Its hard enough getting through some applications when I have nothing else to do. Well, when that job comes up - I wish you good luck.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Unless you stay in Unix admin, you're going to be taking a pay cut...why not do up your CV and give it to some recruiting agency? They'll pass it on to companies looking for that sort of people, so hopefully all you'd have to do is rock up for the interview and never have to write an application. AND never look for jobs.

I'd be careful about applying for management though, the more you go up in government the more politics there are. Sure the money would be nice and it's a different job, but the politics could be a major turn off. Just my thoughts, I don't really want to stop you applying :)


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