Monday, January 21, 2008

Wii Injury

It was bound to happen. It was basically inevitable. So too is the feeling of embarrassment and stupidity accompanying it. What am I babbling about? Well I have my first reportable case of Wii injury. No I am not turning Scottish on you (well maybe just a wee bit), I have injured myself playing the Nintendo Wii.

Let me give you a minute to stop laughing...




done yet? No? Ok then...



... alright stop now!

My brother lent us his version of Mario vs Sonic @ The Olympics. In true Nintendo Olympic style (who doesn't remember the old Olympic button mashing offerings from Nintendo?) it requires furious and frantic use of the controllers and buttons to achieve perfection.

In the 100 metres sprint you have the nunchuk and the Wiimote. The basic concept is to flick the nunchuk and Wiimote up and down alternating between them to gain speed. The faster you flick them up and down, the faster your character sprints. After a number of sprints I started to sense pain in the outside of my right wrist, more sprinting and other events confirmed the pain.

Now do you need more time to get all the "I thought your wrists would be strong enough from years of use Mick?" jokes out of your system? No? We're good? Alright then on with the story...

... we had a hit of real life Tennis yesterday afternoon not long afterwards and the pain was still there. Of course when everyone ended up at our place after I couldn't resist another shot at it, I just had to beat Brad!, and sure enough more pain.

It feels ok this morning but when put under pressure it hurts a bit. I tell you what if the Wii didn't show you a Health and Safety warning every time you turned it on I'd be on the phone to my lawyer right now!

Hope I haven't done anything too bad or else I get the feeling footy training this week might test it out.


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, gotta expect those injuries, particularly when theres a new sport taken up. :P

And that optus thing from your earlier blog....sooo stupid! :| Optus recently over charged me by $300.... with no job, yeah, I was fretting. sorted it but it still gets to me tho.


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