Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's just not cricket!

For those not following the news in the world of International Cricket, earlier this month the International Cricket Council (ICC) decided to sack one of their international umpires Darrell Hair. This was a follow on from an incident in England earlier this year when he dared to penalise Pakistan for alleged ball tampering and then, when they refused to take the field after the break (read: chucked a sook), he forfeited the game on their behalf.

Now there has been a lot, and I mean a lot, of negative reaction to the decision some of which can be found here, here and here. But this is all old news... why am I blogging about it now?

Well ever since there have been a couple of embarassing stories released that indicate further that the ICC got it wrong. The first one is here and the latest is here.

I am still personally disgusted at the entire thing and still can't believe that the integrity of cricket, for a long time the very cornerstone of the sport, has been compromised in such a manner. It's appalling and downright wrong!


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