I've been sorely missing, effectively since Baby Blue showed up, computer gaming. For those long time readers of my blog you'll have witnessed the desperation behind my Freecell episodes. It wasn't pretty... you'll be happy to know however that I snapped myself out of that rut.
Unfortunately I've become mindlessly addicted to a new form of low powered computer gaming. It has but one name... Stick Cricket. A simple, yet addictive Flash game that I think actually looks pretty flashy and for some reason I find challenging. I look at the High Scores and wonder how they are possible given how much my efforts pale in comparison.

For whatever reason I'm hooked. I know of at least one reader of this blog that also admits to being partial to playing so if you're out there, have a game or two and if you're interested I'd be up for setting up a league where we could challenge each other for the benefit of determining a winner, read: sledge the crap out of each other. It wouldn't have to be on any full time basis or anything... just a little bit of fun every now and then.
Look it up... and let me know... although if this goes anything like the response to my Freecell challenge I won't be expecting much response :p
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