Monday, February 18, 2008

Mneh... another Monday...

... and already I'm ticked off, frustrated, bored, apathetic and largely plain disinterested. I think this place must have some sort of soul sucking device attached to the entrances to this building so that when you walk through it gets sucked out of you. I must admit I look forward to going home a lot because I feel like I'm missing out on something by being here... maybe it's just my body telling me my soul is gone...

Given that it's interesting I just before finished my application for the Senior Unix Admin role here that I've discussed previously. I've submitted the application via the web so now it's just wait and see what happens. I would like to think I'm in with a reasonable shot but there are, of course, no guarantees. If any of you apply and get it I'll come by your house with a cricket bat and make you pay :p

In another news I have continued to play with my camera. Not to mention performed a fair bunch of reading. I think I have my head around most of the major concepts now anyway so now it will be trying to apply them while taking shots. As I said to Bee the other day I think there are, at least, 3 major areas to photograpy. Those being

  • understanding the theory of things like aperture, exposure, shutter speed

  • knowing how to apply that theory on your own camera

  • the arty part of knowing how to compose a shot etc etc

  • The more I play the more I learn. So I'll continue to do so and I might even start a new photo group on my Picasa site for photos that turn out cool while I play.

    I was going to take some more sports photo attempts at 20/20 down the club yesterday but it was raining when I arrived so I left the camera in the car. Which I regretted later when walking to the car on the way home I remembered it was in there. Thankfully it wasn't too hot in the car although it was noticeably hotter in the camera bag than it was in the car. Not too bad but it did worry me for a minute. Won't be doing that again... I hope...

    In terms of 20/20 we won yesterday which slots us into 2nd or 1st place on the ladder with the Grand Final day next week. I've imposed a complete alcohol ban on my footy boys and will be monitoring that with strict thoroughness. And yes that was massive sarcasm... stopping the footy boys from drinking is like trying to split the atom, you may be able to do it but the results are catastrophic!

    In terms of footy the club has our first practice match this Saturday. Against Surfers Paradise, who play a higher division than us normally. It's 6 quarters long (yes I know it can't be quarters if there is 6 of them!) and we'll be fielding a very full complement of players and switch sides around etc. So hopefully will get a run of some description.

    Until next time good people!


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