Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy 100th post to me...

... so I'm sitting here realising that I haven't blogged in a very long time. I was just discussing with Brett the possibility of me hiring a ghost writer to do it for me. So I thought I'd log in and blog something... let's face it there's been way too much happening for a full catchup. Unfortunately some events I really wanted to blog about were so long ago now I don't know if they'll ever be blogged about (e.g. Wet N' Wild).

Anyway so I log in and find out I'm sitting on 99 posts, which meant if I was to blog, as I am doing now, it would be my 100th post. I remember bringing up the 50 post milestone with a "look back" on the previous 50 posts and, since I'm lazy today, I've decided to do the same thing. So what has happening in Mick's World between posts 50 & 100? Well let's see...

My AFL career began early with pre Christmas training down at Yeronga club. Throughout the last 50 posts there has been quite a few posts about training including one entitled Torture which described a very tough session... which still ranks as one of the toughest I've ever done.

We also see my career finally take a competitive game based nature with the my introduction to 9 a side AFL. I got to play a few games before the season wrapped up (I got involved a bit late for a multitude of reasons) but I still have fond memories of this game.

During this period we also saw a couple of 21sts happen. It's been a while since I was involved in 21st parties so this was a fun and interesting period. First we had Bee's friend Laura's 21st on the end of a road trip to Warwick. Then my baby girl turned 21 herself and had her own 21st party. Good times were had by all...

A few of us went up to the opening of the Lions Social Club "The Lion's Den" and, at the time I left relatively unimpressed. Funny thing is we've spent the last two Friday nights there and both nights have been pretty good... and this Friday night the Lions are playing again on TV so we might just have to do it again.

In other highlights Bee finally got her cast off, I gave Flickr the flick, the Aussies whitewashed the Ashes and I had a few good weekends. Preseason training began and has been continuing ever since (with two inter club practice games under my belt now I'm yet to blog about), we had an awesome day at the Lions Race Day and the V8 season began to ramp up.

All in all it's been a very eventful few months since I brought up the 50 post milestone. There has also been a bunch of things I meant to blog about and never got around to including; the aforementioned Wet N' Wild day, my first two serious AFL matches, Christmas, lots of stories from Bee's 21st, updates on my nephew's progress in life and a host of others. Just goes to show if you're having a fun and busy life getting time to blog about it aint so easy!

Here's hoping the next 50 manage to keep up the entertainment factor.


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