Indy 2006 - Part 4
Ok I have procrastinated long enough. Time for the Saturday night of fun from Indy 2006. We started a new tradition last year I think by having a formal poker tournament on the Saturday night. This year we continued the tradition and I hope that it continues as it is truly enjoyable. I say "formal tournament" because we did play a fair amount of poker throughout the weekend... what can I say? We're obsessed. For those uninitiated in the world of poker we play arguably the most popular form of poker known to man, that form is known as Texas Hold 'Em.
We had a reasonable number of players, 9 in fact seated around a table and playing like their lives depended upon it...

... in a weird kind of way it did, their "night life" anyway. See the rules of this particluar tournament was that there were two 1125mL bottles of booze available to those still in the tournament...

... once you were eliminated that was it, no more free booze for you.
The winner of the tournament would win the remains which meant you had two things in the back of your mind when playing:
1) You wanted to ensure that there was something left at the end should you win
... but also at the same time...
2) You wanted to ensure you drank lots so that if you didn't win you got the most value out of the deal
This meant for lots of drinking but surprisingly some very good poker play... even though at the end of the tournament this was the remains indicating a fair amount of drinking was achieved in just a few short hours.

After the tournament some people headed off to bed as there was a big day of racing ahead of us including the sole Champ Car race of the weeked. Ben, Brad, Benny (visiting for the night), Rhonda, Dunc and myself toughed it out a while longer and continued to drink on thanks to the winner Ben graciously allowing us to continue to drink on, here is a shot of Ben with his prize taken later in the night after the "Shirtless Poker Tournament" began...

... and here is one taken even later still when a little bit more drinking had occured from his prize pool...

... but more of the early morning antics next time, when I promise to stop picking on Ben with the embarassing photos and pick on everyone else involved too.